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Monica Froese is a digital product coach for women business owners and host of the popular podcast, Empowered Business Podcast®.

She provides online marketing education to small businesses that are looking to build a profitable revenue stream through digital products through her online programs and podcast.

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Official Bio

Monica holds an MBA in finance and marketing and is a digital shop coach for small business owners and host of the popular podcast, Empowered Business Podcast®. She is the founder of the websites Redefining Mom®, Empowered Business™, and the popular digital product shop, Empowered Shop™. She helps small businesses grow sustainable and profitable digital product e-commerce shops. She spent 11 years working for a Fortune 100 company running multi-million dollar marketing campaigns with large brands like Microsoft and HP. Now she provides online marketing education to small businesses that are looking to build a profitable revenue stream through digital products through her online programs, Empowered Shop™, and podcast.

Monica speaking at Make Your Mark live

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